Sewing in Mexico

Recently our family vacationed in Mexico and visited a traditional Myan village. This particular one had 37 people coexisting together. As a group, we were blessed by the shaman as well as the shaman in training who was only 8 and the future midwife who was only 9! The shaman took us on a tour of the various huts, all with different purposes. My favourite was the sewing hut! All the women and girls’ clothing was embellished with embroidery. The flowers in the picture on her sleeve and neckline are done by hand and then outlines are free motioned on a treadle sewing machine.

sewing village1

I was so excited that I needed to try it. I assured ousewingvillage2r guide that I was an experienced sewer!   The hardest part was getting the pedal to move in rhythm with my hands. And there was no free motion presser foot! I had to keep my fingers near the needle to prevent the fabric from lifting as the needle was coming up out of the fabric.  She explained  how to do it, in her language as she didn’t any speak English. And I knew exactly what she was saying!

Sewing is a universal language.

Happy Sewing, Linda P.

About LindaP

Educational Consultant for Janome Canada Ltd.
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