Do Not Fear! The Ruffler is Here!

I embarked on a mission to fashion an official Janome uniform for our beloved office mascot, Mouse. Although Mouse doesn’t reside at the office full-time, she occasionally graces us with her presence when her owner, Debbie, brings her along. Debbie, our Sales Assistant and the magic-maker of the office, never fails to accommodate Mouse’s visits. Mouse, with her endearing demeanor and wholehearted tail wags, exemplifies everything you dream of in a co-worker.

Photo Credit: Tobias

While sorting through our supplies one day, I stumbled upon some Janome 100 years anniversary fabric, conveniently with Mouse nearby. Instantly struck with inspiration, I knew I needed to make Mouse something Janome-inspired. After a brief discussion with Debbie, we decided on a cape – transforming Mouse into our very own Janome superhero!

Rather than relying on measurements, I opted for a technique I learned from Project Runway, draping fabric directly on the model, i.e. Mouse. This approach ensured a perfect fit and Mouse, ever the cooperative model, eagerly helped, especially with the promise of treats.

Drawing from my experience as a skilled sewist, I refrained from using the precious “good” fabric until I had finalized the dimensions. Sewing wisdom, learned the hard way.

I cut the backing cape fabric, refining the fit on Mouse. Eventually, I achieved the perfect fit and went to cut the coveted Janome fabric to discover I didn’t have a piece large enough! I was left with a few options:

  1. Seam smaller pieces together to create a larger piece.
  2. Incorporate a contrasting strip of fabric to extend the length.
  3. Integrate a decorative trim between fabric pieces to make it look completely intentional.

The answer is always c. ALWAYS! 

This was easily achieved with the Janome Ruffler Foot, as seen on the Janome HQ You Tube channel.

Fairly early in my sewing journey I discovered the joys of a ruffler. Yes, you can sew 2 basting stitches close together and pull the threads to gather/ ruffle the fabric, but I always mess up this method by either breaking a thread or pulling it out completely.

The Janome Ruffler Foot makes ruffling so easy! Plus, it allows you to ruffle fabric and attach it to a flat piece of fabric all at the same time, just like magic. Say the word below if you need an entire series on the magic of the Ruffler!

I cut a 2” strip of my contrasting red fabric, folded it in half lengthwise and pressed. I attached my Janome Ruffler Foot to the Janome 3160QDC-G. For most 7mm models, use Part Number: 943100000. 9mm machines will use Part Number: 202095004

Using scrap fabric, I tested out the settings of the ruffler and made some adjustments. There is a video of how this foot works on the Ruffler Accessories page on Janome.CA.

I then went to town ruffling the raw edge of my red accent strip. After, I gave it a press to set the ruffles in place, creating more of a pleated effect. Next, I sandwiched the strip between two pieces of the Janome fabric, with right sides of the fabric facing, and sewed together using a 1/4” seam allowance. 

Now I had a piece of Janome fabric big enough to cut out a cape top! 

I added straps with hook and loop tape so the cape could be attached to Mouse’s harness. The last step was to strategically position a buttonhole in the centre to accommodate the leash attachment ring and tags.

Behold, Mouse in her magnificent Janome superhero cape – the epitome of mascot perfection!

Stitch On!

~ Amanda Bee

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2 Responses to Do Not Fear! The Ruffler is Here!

  1. Susan Keegan says:

    A super job for a super hero. Fabric choice was perfect and the ruffle idea a great solution. 👏


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