Serger Quilting

Wonky Log Cabin Table Runner

Don’t shake your head, or blink, because you did read that title right 🙂

There has been a ton of new techniques pop up in recent months because of advances in serger technology. One of those new techniques is quilting with your serger. If you had a chance to stop by the Creativ Festival in Edmonton or Calgary September, you would have seen the wonky log cabin table runner, sewn exclusively on a serger. You may be wondering: How does it work? How can you serge quilting cottons and not have issues? What about a 1/4″ seam? All in due time, my friends. Let’s get started!


First off, you need to set up your serger appropriately for quilting. Most 3 or 4 thread sergers should work but we used the NEW Janome Air Thread 2000D serger.


  1. Remove your right needle from the serger to give a three thread seam. Make sure to replace the screw that holds it in ( you do not want to lose that one…). This makes your seam allowance to be a scant 1/4″, which is excellent for piecing. Thread that needle up with a cotton or poly thread.
  2. Next, thread your loopers with your choice of either cotton or poly-cotton thread. Set your stitch length to 2 or 2.5 (your choice). I like a 2.5 stitch length as it allows for the fabric to be adequately seamed without a lot of extra bulk.
  3. Set the differential to 1:  this will allow both feed dogs to advance at the same speed and your fabric to feed through smoothly.

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Once you have set up the serger as above,  try a test strip of fabric to verify the seam allowance width and that your two pieces of fabric are still the same length (if they aren’t, reduce your differential feed knob to compensate). After testing all is as you require, you are good to go.

This project came from a free pattern designed by Joanna Marsh for Janome America. You can find it here! Our thanks to Joanna for designing such a great project as well as offering us the free pattern and instructions.

Gail who works at Langley Sew & Vac, Langley, BC, Canada made up a whole Wonky Log Cabin quilt quilt and showed it offering good tips and answers to potential queries on her blog here.  Thanks for sharing, Gail!

Happy serging!


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