Using your Janome to make a fabric face mask – UPDATE


* Tutorial on how to sew a face mask

* useful links to information about face masks 

* links to other video’s to keep you busy at home. 



Update Friday 20th March:
  Thought I would share this after the enthusiastic feedback received yesterday when we published our post about sewing a face mask.

I do believe at least one person yesterday linked to this article above. Yes, we know that fabric masks will not fully protect against the Corona virus but they will free up approved medical equipment for other health professionals and will also serve as a reminder to us not to touch our faces and to wash our hands frequently. 

The CDC has made certain announcements about the making and use of these fabric masks. Do read the links above and  google for further information.

How to make a face mask. 

There are many patterns and instructions of how to make fabric face masks on Pinterest. Please note: We do not have a pattern here at janomelife to publish or email to you. Please do your own search on Pinterest or google if you decide to sew masks after reading all the applicable health information and have made your decision.  

Our advice: Keep calm and sew on.…..this does not have to be a face mask if you feel strongly about this – there are literally TONS of sewing projects out there that you can be sewing. We published a second post yesterday, on Thursday 19th,  where we gave a list of ideas, resources and places to go to get sewing inspiration. 

We have removed the sewing content from this post in the interests of not creating confusion. Ed. 

And we will publish another post today offering different sewing content to keep you busy, keeping calm and sewing on!  ED.


About Anne Stitcher

I have been an Educator with Janome for several years now. Crafting is my passion. I love to sew, quilt, crochet, knit, cross-stitch, scrapbook, paper tole and cook. I have so many hobbies. I am always doing something. I love to use my skills to help people in need and to pass on my knowledge to others. Happy Sewing!
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44 Responses to Using your Janome to make a fabric face mask – UPDATE

  1. kristimcgree says:

    Oh my. Stay calm and sew on!!


  2. Pansy Davis says:

    Wonderful information


  3. Jan Teasdale says:

    Using your Janome to make a fabric face mask – UPDATE

    Hi Wendy

    Read this – the suggestion is do not sew it as it does not conform the safety regs.



  4. Roberta L. Jones says:

    I know you took a lot of negative comments for this. I know your heart was in the right place. But, no, this mask would not be effective and may mislead people into thinking it is.


  5. Angel says:


    Would you please email me the mask pattern. As stated in the comments hospitals are now in a shortage and are even asking for home made ones.

    You should repost the pattern. Every one in the world knows the masks aren’t 💯 in protecting but some people feel the need to mother everyone how they are not. We are all grown adults here, well some of us. So please repost the mask pattern with the disclaimer we know this doesn’t help with Corona virus for the people who think they know everything.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. quiltinggail says:

    I am shocked and surprised that Janome is promoting cloth masks. These are USELESS!!!! N95 masks are the only ones that are worth their weight in gold … and you have to be measured for them … one size does NOT fit all!!!


  7. Veronica says:

    These look great. It helps keep you from touching your mouth. If you also wear glasses instead of contacts, that is added protection. I will look info up- but at least it will keep your germs to yourself, keep you from touching your mouth and must add a certain amount of protection- probably a lower percentage than the ones that are in short supply- than not having anything at all. People who say NO NO NO are working from an absolutist point of view. If I can’t get the pattern here, I’ll find one online.


  8. crazyswampgirl says:

    Again we need to calm down and understand what the post was trying to do it came from a place of good. We just need to tweak the post a little bit and see if we can’t find a way to help thank you for trying


    • lizafrica says:

      Thank you for your feedback and kind words. We have, however, removed the content.
      We have apologized and stand well and truly corrected!



      • Giuliana says:

        You are still a favorite sewist! Stay calm and lather on! We will get through this together


      • lizafrica says:

        Thanks. I’m fine, just rather surprized at the very strong reaction. We are all concerned and I bow to the knowlege of medical people. And continue with my mantra of Stay calm and sew on!



  9. crazyswampgirl says:

    From my FACEBOOK post-//
    Just a thought in all of the Quilting And Sewing. world are any of you scientists —-
    are there any of our stabilizers and such that have the fiber make up to match or come close to the M95 masks if so maybe we can sew masks for the healthcare workers and even steal the parts where we saw with Odiecioat or other such waterproofer —-not wanting to start a stampede on stabilizers this is meant as leaving no stone unturned if we can help and make a difference


  10. Mary says:

    Liz, Thank you for your article. I am an RN, the comments your received in normal times are true, But we are now in a crisis situation. Here in the USA, we are in severe shortage of masks in the hospital, that hospital here have asked for home made masks or some employees to wear scarves. We need to look into the materials we can use for interfacing for protection, such as materials used for furnace filters. Love your articles, keep up the good work.


  11. kathssie says:

    Is it possible to print this pattern? Thank you!



    • lizafrica says:

      The content for this post has been removed after we received a lot of feedback about it being irresponsible to promote sewing our own masks.



  12. FH says:

    This is sooo irresponsible!

    Homemade cloth masks are not effective. They become warm and moist within minutes and become a breeding ground for many germs.

    They are NOT recommended.

    I expect better from such a well-known company as Janome!!

    Please do not encourage this harmful practice.




    • lizafrica says:

      We have removed the post. Thank you for your feedback.


    • Angel says:

      Irresponsible to post a mask pattern? My good god. What is wrong with you people.


    • monica johnson says:

      then why are hospitals reaching out to anyone that could possibly make a mask?


      • lizafrica says:

        hello to you all again,

        I have today again updated this somewhat controversial post published and then withdrawn yesterday. Please read my update and make your own informed/educated decision as to whether you will or won’t sew face masks. There are links to some information which will give you medical facts.
        To see my update, just scroll back to the applicable post on janomelife. I have not republished this post. Please also note that we did not offer a pattern. If you do decide to sew masks, please look on Pinterest or use google to find a suitable and hopefully as close to “medical grade” design as you can. Good luck, everyone. Keep calm and sew on whether this is fabric face masks or something different!


  13. Hi Liz, I have a question related to the HP foot and plate. I am using an HP foot on my S7 (dealer suggested it would work) and I’m wondering if the HP plate will work on an S7? Thanks.


    • lizafrica says:

      Hi Wendy
      I do not think it will -but Im not 100% sure. The machine has to have the correct software on the machine to detect the HP needle plate and then move the needle position over to the left for the HP foot. It only uses the far left feed dogs. I believe the S9 can use the HP needle plate although the HP foot is not shown on the screen.
      Possibly you could try it if you have access to an HP plate? Seems you have the foot? Unfortunately I am stuck at home with no S7 to test this with but I will put out some feelers and see if I can get you a definitive answer on this.
      Thanks for your patience.


      Liked by 1 person

    • lizafrica says:

      Hi Wendy,

      My fellow Janome educators confirmed what I thought was the case: the HP plate and foot is not recommended for the S7 as it does not have certain features and software as on some of our other models like the MC6700P and MC9450. However, as you have probably figured out, there is an unofficial work around that some people are using and discussing online. Please know, however, that if you were to damage your foot, needle plate or machine, it might affect your warranty. Hope that answers the query.


      Liked by 1 person

  14. Katherine says:

    Please provide the pattern if available.


  15. Karen says:

    Please, please, please find out from the CDC what types of materials are actually effective for these types of masks. Cotton will not provide protection, and offers false reassurance to the user. Making and sharing these masks is not a helpful tip, it’s a dangerous one!


    • lizafrica says:

      Point taken. As Im not a medic I did not know that. I will add an edit.



      • Karen says:

        Please remove the post until you have accurate information to share. Please send a notice that cotton is not effective to use for a mask to your readership. I am a Nurse Practitioner, and I cringe at all the misinformation that is shared with the best of intentions. Thanks in advance.


      • lizafrica says:

        Already done with apologies offered.



      • Karen says:

        Thank you for your prompt response.


    • Angel says:

      Irresponsible to post a mask pattern? My good god. What is wrong with you people. If you want a professional medical grade pattern search it yourself. I however would be perfectly happy with the loving pattern that WAS offered here. If you don’t like something look away. It’s not that hard. I think you are just plain rude.


  16. I really think this is a crazy article to post.

    We all know that unless the masks are medically fitted they are not effective and I feel you really should say that

    Sally. Sent from my iPhone



  17. Cindy Dickerson says:

    I can’t find any way to print off the pattern. Can you help, please?


    • lizafrica says:

      Hi Cindy,
      We have removed the sewing content in that post after being told it was misinformation about health. Please see our edit to the post.



      • Karen says:

        Hi Liz, since commenting yesterday morning, I have been searching for info to share with you and your readers about making face masks. Boy, have I found it.

        Hickey Freeman, a long time manufacturer of mens fine suits in Rochester NY (where I live) is answering the call from one of our local medical systems to assist them with masks. Hickey Freeman has agreed to organize national effort of home sewists to produce masks for the health care community in need.

        I would like to direct you & your readers to their website for details.

        This effort has only started this afternoon, so many details are forthcoming. I urge everyone to consider helping this effort!



      • lizafrica says:

        Hi Karen,

        Yes, thank you – so have we given the matter a good deal of thought and investigation. I have updated that post twice after removing the content which so “offended” some people. Isn’t it ironical then that today there is an almost “about face” on the topic? Apparently today we are not such total pariahs for daring to suggest sewing masks might be a possible project to do at home. Apparently several US organizations are actually asking for help from home sewers to make masks. Go figure – We are indeed living in tumultuous times.

        We did investigate where we can purchase the correct materials (not cotton as we were reprimanded about yesterday). Turns out these materials are very expensive, more than likely unavailable or in short supply in Canada. I would, in any event, NOT recommend the sewing public to buy any such materials that medical supply companies making protective gear for medical people might need. We might end up with something similar to those completely silly toilet paper sell-outs. Janomelife would 100% not wish to be the instigators of a run on medical grade sewing materials!

        In my 2 post updates, I have strongly advised people to read up all applicable information from reputable sources and make their own informed and educated decisions about whether to sew or not to sew face masks. As someone yesterday said, we are all educated adults and should be able to make up our own minds and do the right thing.

        Some who live south of the border may wish to contact the company you suggest. Thank you for your input. However, I’m not too sure that we here north of the border will do that seeing as our borders close today to everything except essential supply chains.

        Keep calm and sew on!



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